National Association of the Education of Young Children (articles on the topic of How Play Connects to Learning)
Click here to read
THE POWER OF PLAY | Click here to read
WHY PLAY= LEARNING | Click here to read
Molly's TED Talk, titled How every child can thrive by five, was commissioned by the Minderoo Foundation and UNICEF and has been viewed more than 1.5 million times.
The talk aims to motivate parents and caregivers to meaningfully engage, early and often, with children through "serve and return" interactions like connecting, talking, and playing.
NCC’s curriculum is aligned with Valley Christian School’s Exemplary Preschool standard, The California Preschool Learning Foundations and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) learning. NCC’s mission is to foster in each child the understanding that they are loved, uniquely created by God, and to instill in each student a lifelong love for learning.
NCC places a high value on large blocks of time for children to explore and engage with the environment and materials. Our teaching staff prepares the environment with intentional materials that are open ended and encourages the children to make decisions, socialize, and be hands-on. While children are inquiring about the world around them, NCC’s loving staff are there, not to tell the children how to learn, but to build-up the children’s confidence and competence as they have “ah-ha” moments. Ample time, a rich environment, and a purposeful staff are the core values of the learning that has taken place at NCC since the opening of the doors in 1981.